Thirty Years War
Showing 94 of 94 results
TYC01 Mounted General
£0.80cuirass, buff coat, bare headed, pointing -
TYC02 Mounted General
£0.80half armour, bare headed, holding baton -
TYC03 Cuirassier
£0.80three quarter armour, holding pistol, plumed close helmet -
TYC03A Cuirassier Standard Bearer
£0.80as TYC03 with separate standard (affix to right upper arm and right foot) -
TYC04 Mounted Standard Bearer
£0.80standard draped, coat, wide brimmed hat -
TYC05 Cuirassier
£0.80three quarter armour, holding long pistol, close helmet -
TYC06 Cuirassier
£0.80three quarter armour, sword raised, plumed close helmet -
TYC07 Western European Lancer
£0.80three quarter armour, heavy lance, plumed close helmet -
TYC08 Mounted Officer
£0.80short jacket, waving sword, sash, plumed hat -
TYC09 Mounted Trumpeter
£0.80short jacket, holding trumpet, plumed hat -
TYC10 Cuirassier
£0.80three quarter armour, holding sword down, sash, lobster pot helmet (also suitable as officer for late Imperial or Swedish armies) -
TYC11 Cavalry
£0.80jacket, holding pistol, hat -
TYC12 Dragoon Drummer
£0.80jacket, drum, plumed hat -
TYC13 Dragoon
£0.80jacket, slung musket, hat -
TYC14 Harquebussier
£0.80cuirass, buff coat, holding carbine, lobster pot helmet (also suitable as Cuirassier in late war armies) -
TYC15 Spanish Cuirassier
£0.80half armour, holding sword, plumed morion helmet -
TYC16 Swedish Hakkapelli (Finnish)
£0.80long buff coat, waving sword, sash, hat -
TYC17 Imperial/Swedish Cuirassier
£0.80three quarter armour with Anime cuirass, buffcoat, waving sword, lobster pot helmet -
TYC18 Swedish Cuirassier
£0.80three quarter armour,buff coat,sword raised, lobster pot helmet -
TYC19 Mounted General
£0.80buff coat, plumed hat, pointing -
TYC20 Mounted Officer
£0.80embroidered buff coat with slashed sleeves, plumed hat, large sash, waving sword encouragingly -
TYC21 Mounted Standard Bearer
£0.80standard draped, back and breast plates, plumed hat -
TYC22 Mounted Standard Bearer
£0.80standard draped, buff coat, plumed lobster pot helmet (suitable for Harquebusiers or later Cuirassiers) -
TYC23 Cuirassier
£0.80three quarter armour, holding pistol, Savoyard helmet (death's head mask) -
TYC24 Cuirassier
£0.80back and breast plates, holding pistol, sash, lobster pot helmet (ideal for mid to late war armies) -
TYC25 French Musketeer
£0.80slashed buff coat, tabard, carbine slung, waving sword (D'Artagnan rides again !!) -
TYC26 Curassier/Horse
£0.80back and breast plate, holding sword on shoulder, carbine slung, plumed lobster helmet (suitable for virtually any late army) -
TYC27 Horse
£0.80buff coat, pistol at ready, carbine slung,sash, felt hat -
TYC28 Arquebusier/Spanish Dragoon
£0.80short jacket, firing musket, morion helmet (suitable for early war armies) -
TYC29 Dragoon
£0.80holding musket, plumed hat, boots turned down (suitable for mid to late armies) -
TYF01 Senior Officer
£0.40lace trimmed coat, hat,boots, extravagant sash, baton -
TYF02 Officer
£0.40cuirass, back and breast plates, rondache shield, holding sword, morion helmet -
TYF03 Officer/Sergeant
£0.40short jacket, partisan, gorget, hat, low boots -
TYF04 Officer,jacket
£0.40spontoon, lunging with sword, hat -
TYF05 Drummer
£0.40short jacket, drumming, plumed hat, advancing -
TYF06 Officer/Standard Bearer
£0.40large breeches and short jacket lace trimmed, holding plumed hat, open hand for halberd -
TYF07 Standard Bearer
£0.40standard draped over right shoulder, plumed hat -
TYF08 Standard Bearer
£0.40standard upright, plumed hat, advancing -
TYF09 Officer/Standard Bearer/Pikeman
£0.40three quarter armour, burgonet helmet, open handed, standing (suitable for early to mid war armies) -
TYF10 Pikeman
£0.40buff coat, pike upright, felt/steel small round hat (suitable for early war armies) -
TYF11 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates, pike upright, morion helmet (suitable for early war armies) -
TYF12 Pikeman
£0.40jacket, pike upright, cabacete morion, advancing -
TYF13 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates with tassets, pike held upright, sash, flat brimmed helmet -
TYF14 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates, pike held upright, large Dutch style pot helmet -
TYF15 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates with tassets, pike held upright, plumed large -
TYF16 Spanish Musketeer
£0.40short jacket, musket over shoulder, cabacete morion helmet, marching -
TYF17 Musketeer
£0.40short jacket, loading musket, apostles, broad brimmed hat -
TYF18 Musketeer
£0.40short jacket, musket over shoulder, apostles, rest in right hand, hat, standing -
TYF19 Musketeer
£0.40short jacket, musket at rest, plumed hat, at the ready -
TYF20 Musketeer
£0.40cassock with unbuttoned hanging sleeves, plumed hat, advancing with musket and rest -
TYF21 Musketeer/Rifleman
£0.40coat, firing musket, no musket rest or apostles, hat (also suitable as dismounted dragoon or late period musketeer) -
TYF22 Musketeer
£0.40short jacket, musket, fringed trousers, apostles, plumed hat, standing at ease (suitable for late French/Dutch armies) -
TYF23 Musketeer
£0.40jacket, firing musket on rest, plumed hat, apostles -
TYF24 Musketeer
£0.40short jacket, firing musket on rest, apostles, helmet (suitable for early to mid war armies) -
TYF25 Dismounted Dragoon
£0.40jacket, musket, no apostles, hat, advancing -
TYF26 Gunner
£0.40short jacket, holding budge barrel, hat -
TYF27 Gunner
£0.40short jacket, holding cannon ball (a strong lad!!), hat -
TYF28 Gunner,jacket
£0.40standing with rammer, hat -
TYF29 Gunner,jacket
£0.40holding lighted match (carefully!!), sash, plumed hat -
TYF30 Gunner
£0.40shirt, no hat, walking -
TYF31 Gunner
£0.40stripped to waist, no hat, wiping forehead -
TYF32 Scots Highlander
£0.40kilt, plaid and bonnet, bow, standing -
TYF33 Scots Highlander,
£0.40short jacket, breeches, bonnet, musket, advancing -
TYF34 Scots Officer/Highlander
£0.40kilt, plaid and bonnet, holding pistol and sword, targe on back, advancing -
TYF35 Scots Highlander
£0.40kilt, plaid and bonnet, musket, standing with Swedes Feather rest -
TYF36 Halberdier/Sergeant
£0.40back and breast plates, halberd, morion helmet, advancing -
TYF37 Pikeman
£0.40buff coat, pike upright, plumed felt hat (suitable for mid to late war armies) -
TYF38 Officer/Standard Bearer
£0.40buff coat, sash,open hand for halberd, pike or standard, lobster pot helmet, advancing with sword -
TYF39 Drummer,
£0.40jacket with hanging sleeves, large plumed hat, advancing -
TYF40 Sergeant/Pikeman
£0.40buff coat with sash, halberd or pike, Dutch pot helmet,standing at ease -
TYF41 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates, tassets, pike upright, plumed Cabacece morion (suitable for early war armies) -
TYF42 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates, tassets, pike upright, floppy hat -
TYF43 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates, pauldrons, arm armour, tassets, pike upright, morion helmet,standing (suitable for early war armies) -
TYF44 Pikeman
£0.40buff coat, gorget, pike upright, plumed pot helmet, standing -
TYF45 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates, tassets, pike upright, round helmet, advancing -
TYF46 Pikeman
£0.40back and breast plates, pike upright, English pot helmet, advancing -
TYF47 Scots Pikeman
£0.40bonnet and plaid, pike upright, standing at ease -
TYF48 French Musketeer
£0.40pleated buttoned jacket and breeches, musket and rest over shoulder, apostles, small fur hat, marching -
TYF49 Musketeer,jacket
£0.40musket over shoulder, apostles, hat, marching -
TYF50 Dutch/Late French Musketeer
£0.40jacket, holding rest with musket shouldered, apostles, pleated buttoned breeches, standing -
TYF51 Musketeer
£0.40jacket, firing musket, no rest, apostles, large plumed hat -
TYF52 Musketeer/Dragoon
£0.40jacket, musket, no apostles, large hat and boots -
TYF53 Swedish/Late German Musketeer
£0.40long coat, musket, plumed hat -
TYF54 Swedish Musketeer
£0.40long coat, firing with Swede's Feather, no apostles, slung sack (BANG!!) -
TYF55 Musketeer
£0.40short jacket, firing musket on rest, apostles, helmet, ruff -
TYF56 Spanish Musketeer
£0.40short jacket, musket on rest at the ready, apostles, morion helmet -
TYF57 Spanish Arquebussier/Dragoon
£0.40short jacket, priming musket, morion helmet -
TYH04 Dragoon Horse
£0.55trotting, no pistols (horse only) -
ARTTY01 Swedish Battalion Gun
£3.25 -
ARTTY02 Saker - long barreled Regimental Light Gun
£3.25 -
ARTTY03 Medium Gun
£3.25 -
ARTTY04 3 Pdr Battalion Gun
£2.75fits on a 25mm deep base - Ideal for FOG Regimantal Gun -
ARTTY07 Gun Accessories
£1.00pile of cannon balls, budge barrel, powder coffin, charge box -
TY07 Personalisation Kit
£0.40dagger, bullet bag, sack, blanket roll, pouch