Feudal Europe & Crusades
Showing 83 of 83 results
FEC01 12th C Senior Noble
£1.10mail hauberk and leggings, helmet, shield, sword/mace -
FEC05 Richard the Lion Heart/Edward I
£1.10surcoat, over mail hauberk and leggings, helmet, shield, arm raised -
FEC06 13th C Senior Noble/Commander
£1.10surcoat, over mail hauberk and leggings, helmet, shield, drawing sword -
FEC07 13th C Bishop
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, cloak, great helm with mitre, shield, lance vertical -
FEC08 13th C Bishop
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, cloak, great helm with mitre, shield, sword -
FEC10 Trumpeter
£1.10mail hauberk over tunic, leggings, blowing trumpet -
FEC11 Trumpeter
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk, leggings, helmet, shield, trumpet with pennon held at side -
FEC20 12th C Mt Knight
£1.10mail hauberk and leggings, helmet, shield, lance vertical -
FEC21 12th C Mt Knight
£1.10mail hauberk and leggings, various helmets, shield, 3 poses -
FEC22 12th C Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC20/21 with various hand weapons, 4 poses -
FEC23 12th C Military Order Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, hooded cloak, helmet, shield, lance vertical -
FEC24 12th C Military Order Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, hooded cloak, helmet, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC25 12th C Military Order Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC23/24 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC26 12th C Mt Sergeant
£1.10tunic, leggings, helmet, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC27 12th C Mt Sergeant
£1.10variants of FEC26 with various hand weapons, 2 poses -
FEC40 Early 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, English/Spanish style helmet with face plate, shield, lance vertical -
FEC41 Early 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, English/German/Spanish style helmet with face plate variants, shield, lance, 3 poses -
FEC42 Early 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC40/41 with various hand weapons, 4 poses -
FEC43 Mid 13th C Mt Man-at-Arms
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, kettle helmet, shield, lance vertical -
FEC44 Mid 13th C Mt Man-at-Arms
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, kettle helmet, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC45 Mid 13th C Mt Man-at-Arms
£1.10variants of FEC43/44 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC46 Mid 13th C Mt Man-at-Arms/Mt Knight
£1.10coat of plates over mail hauberk and leggings, kettle helmet, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC47 Mid 13th C Mt Man-at-Arms/Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC46 with various hand weapons, 2 poses -
FEC48 Mid 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, barrel helmet, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC49 Mid 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC48 with various hand weapons, 2 poses -
FEC50 Late 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, shoulder plate variants, great helm, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC51 Late 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC50 with various hand weapons, 2 poses -
FEC52 Late 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, great helm with mantlet/crest variants, shield, lance vertical -
FEC53 Late 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, great helm with mantlet/crest variants, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC54 Late 13th C Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC52/53 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC55 Late 13th C Mt Man-at-Arms/Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk, cloak, greaves, great helm, shield, lance vertical -
FEC56 Late 13th C Mt Man-at-Arms/Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk, cloak, greaves, great helm, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC57 Late 13th C Mt Man-at-Arms/Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC55/56 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC58 Teutonic Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, cloak, ornamented great helm, shield, lance vertical -
FEC59 Teutonic Mt Knight
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, cloak, ornamented great helm, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC60 Teutonic Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC58/59 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC61 13th C Mt Sergeant
£1.10mail hauberk, leggings, helmet, shield, lance, 3 poses -
FEC62 13th C Mt Sergeant
£1.10variants of FEC61 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC70 Mounted Crossbowman
£1.10surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, mail coif with/without helmet, 2 poses -
FEC71 Turcopole
£1.10quilted al-qutuns over tunic, helmet, shield, bow in case, spear, 3 poses -
FEC72 Turcopole
£1.10quilted al-qutuns over tunic, helmet, shield, shooting bow -
FEC80 12th C Spanish Mt Knight
£1.10mail hauberk and leggings, helmet, round/adarga shield, lance vertical -
FEC81 12th C Spanish Mt Knight
£1.10mail hauberk and leggings, helmet, round/adarga shield, 2 poses -
FEC82 12th C Spanish Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC80/81 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC83 Mid 13th C Spanish Mt Knight
£1.10short sleeved surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, helmet, shield, lance vertical -
FEC84 Mid 13th C Spanish Mt Knight
£1.10short sleeved surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, helmet, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC85 Mid 13th C Spanish Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC83/84 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC86 Spanish Military Order Mt Knight
£1.10habit, short hooded cape, mail leggings, hooded cloak, helmet, shield, lance vertical -
FEC87 Spanish Military Order Mt Knight
£1.10habit, short hooded cape, mail leggings, hooded cloak, helmet, shield, lance, 2 poses -
FEC88 Spanish Military Order Mt Knight
£1.10variants of FEC86/87 with various hand weapons, 3 poses -
FEC89 13th C Aragonese Jinete
£1.10long robe, turban, adarga shield, light spear/javelin, 3 poses -
FEF01 12th C Knight
£0.50mail hauberk and leggings, various helmets, shield, spear, 4 poses -
FEF02 12th C Knight
£0.50variant of FEF01 with sword or axe, 3 poses -
FEF03 12th C Military Order Mt Knight
£0.50surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, hooded cloak, helmet, shield, spear, 4 poses -
FEF04 12th C Military Order Mt Knight
£0.50variant of FEF03 with sword or axe, 3 poses -
FEF05 12th C Infantry spearman
£0.50mail hauberk, hose leggings, helmet, shield, spear, 5 poses -
FEF06 12th C Infantryman
£0.50variant of FEF05 with sword or axe, 3 poses -
FEF07 12th C Infantry spearman
£0.50quilted gambeson, hose leggings, helmet, shield, spear, 2 poses -
FEF08 12th C Infantryman
£0.50variant of FEF07 with sword or axe, 2 poses -
FEF09 12th C Infantry spearman
£0.50tunic, hose leggings, helmet, shield, spear, 3 poses -
FEF10 12th C Infantryman
£0.50variant of FEF09 with sword or axe, 3 poses -
FEF11 12th C Infantry standard bearer/spearman
£0.50mail hauberk, hose leggings, helmet, shield and spear in left hand, blowing a horn -
FEF12 12th C Infantry standard bearer/spearman
£0.50surcoat over mail hauberk, hose leggings, helmet, shield and spear in left hand, blowing a horn -
FEF13 12th C English Infantry spearman
£0.50quilted short sleeved gambeson, hose leggings, helmet, shield, spear, 2 poses -
FEF14 12th C Routier
£0.50quilted gambeson, hose leggings, helmet, shield, spear, 2 poses -
FEF15 12th C Routier
£0.50variant of FEF12 with various hand weapons, 2 poses -
FEF40 Slingers
£0.50hose leggings, hat, shield, sling -
FEF41 Staff slingers
£0.50hose leggings, staff sling -
FEF42 Crossbowman
£0.50surcoat over mail hauberk and leggings, mail coif with/without helmet, crossbow, 2 poses -
FEF43 Crossbowman
£0.50surcoat over mail hauberk, hose leggings, mail coif with/without helmet, crossbow, 2 poses -
FEF44 Crossbowman
£0.50tunic, hose leggings, helmet, crossbow, 2 poses -
FEF45 12th-13th C Flemish Spearman (Brabancon)
£0.50surcoat over mail hauberk, hose leggings, helmet, shield, spear, 2 poses -
FEF46 Galloglaich Axeman
£0.50aketon or mail hauberk over aketon, helmet, bearded or bardiche axe, 4 poses -
FEF47 Galloglaich Spearman
£0.50aketon or mail hauberk over aketon, helmet, spear, shield, 4 poses -
FEF48 Galloglaich Two Handed Swordsman
£0.50mail hauberk over aketon, helmet, 2 handed sword, shield slung -
FEF49 Galloglaich Swordsman
£0.50mail hauberk over aketon, helmet, sword, shield -
FEF50 12th C Archer
£0.50tunic, hose leggings, bare head, bow, 3 poses -
FEF51 13th C Archer
£0.50tunic, hose leggings, helmet, bow, 3 poses -
FEF52 Maronite/Syrian Archer
£0.50quilted coat, ribbed hat, bow, 2 poses -
FEF53 Scots Spearman
£0.50robe, helmet, spear, shield, 3 poses -
FEF54 Scots Warrior
£0.50robe, helmet, hand weapon, shield, 3 poses -
FEF80 12th - 13th C Bidet
£0.50tunic, trousers with bindings, light spear/javelin, 2 poses -
FEF90 Macbeth/Early Scots Clan Chief
£0.50gesturing with axe