BFL3210 The Wars of the Roses (1455 - 1485): Yorkist Personal Banners

Product code: BFL3210
Personal banners and pennons of important Yorkist nobles

Product information

Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick “The Kingmaker”
John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk
William Neville, Lord Fauconberg and 1 st Earl of Kent
Richard Neville, 5 th Earl of Salisbury
Edward the IV/Richard III
George of York, Duke of Clarence
Wiliam Herbert “Black William”, Earl of Pembroke
William Hastings, 1 st Baron Hastings
Richard of York, Duke of Gloucester
Henry Percy, 4 th Earl of Northumberland
Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey (later 2 nd Duke of Norfolk)
Francis, Viscount Lovell

NOTE: Matching Standards & Guidons are avaialable for most of the above on sheets BFL3210a - BFL3210c

Technical specifications

Condition New
Product Code BFL3210